Centurion Running

Thames Path 100®

3 May 2025

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Course Records

Richard McDowell (M)



Samantha Amend (F)




The Thames Path 100 mile run is conducted entirely on the Thames Path National Trail beginning at the steps to Richmond New Waterfront in London and ending at Queens College Sports Ground, Oxford University, Oxford. The race begins at 0900 on Saturday 3rd May 2025. All runners must reach the finish by 1500 on Sunday or within 30 hours in order to be eligible for awards.

Course and Trail Conditions

The race starts on the river in Richmond and stays on the Thames Towpath until it reaches the finish in Oxford. The only exception to this is one minor detour to one aid station location which will be well signed on race day. 

The Thames Path is a National Trail maintained by the National Trail Trust together with the various county councils and extends both east and west of the section on which the race takes place. The trail is open year round to the public crossing a mixture of private land and public byways. It is absolutely essential that runners respect the land at all times on the course. A great number of people live and work along the river and consideration for all of the other users is essential. 

Registration/ tracker collection is at the Old Town Hall. The race begins at 0900 on the Thames Path around 100 metres from the Town Hall. The route begins on a wide paved pathway headed out of Richmond. The Thames Path is predominantly off road but runners get a quick insight into the overall terrain of the course within the first few miles as the route makes its way alongside the river on paved, crushed gravel and trail pathways and along minor roads.  

There are multiple road crossings even in this initial stretch. Runners must use due care and attention at ALL times when emerging from paths onto crossings, junctions and road turnings. Road crossings are not marshalled. 

The Thames Path is for the majority, flat. The total climb is 1900 feet for the entire 100 mile route. In one or two places the trail rises up briefly but other than that the only climbing or descending involved in negotiating the course is done on stairs in order to cross bridges or roads. The terrain under foot is varied and changeable. Runners will see a lot of paved path in the early sections transitioning to more off road trails through woods and fields as they progress down the course. If it is wet the trail will be extremely muddy in places and slips and falls will be possible. Flooding on many stretches of the trail is possible. The course is never far from road but there are stretches of trail which can at times become remote. 

1. Course Route: The race is a point to point run of 100 miles. 

2. Familiarity: Knowledge of the trail offers both physical and mental advantages during the race. Participants should make a reasonable effort to run as much of the trail as possible before race day. Particular attention should be given to those sections that you expect to run in the dark, when your mental and physical energy may be lagging. 

3. Weather: Temperatures during the race could range from below freezing to 30 degrees celcius, participants should be fully prepared for both extremes. We have had both over the past ten years. Weather conditions are unpredictable and can change rapidly. If it rainsthe ground will become wet, slippery and in places muddy, presenting a hazard to runners. Whilst the weather can be fine, dry and clear making for very fast running, conditions can be varied.

4. Hydration: Even if it is cold it is extremely important to stay hydrated. The aid stations are positioned such that food and water are available at regular time intervals, always make sure you have the capacity to carry enough to cover the distance to the next aid station. 

5. Trail Markings: The Thames Path National Trail is marked by frequent permanent waymarkers, finger posts and signs. The acorn is the universal symbol of the trail and can be followed throughout. Additional trail markings will consist of Centurion marker ribbons and Centurion arrows. Despite the course markings, it is necessary for runners to continually remain alert as they travel. On occasion, markings may be removed or vandalised. Knowledge of the trail, particularly of those miles that will be covered in the dark, will be of infinite benefit to runners. YOU are ultimately responsible for following the correct course. 

6. Dropping: Dropping is unfortunately a very real part of ultrarunning. Between 20% and 45% of the starting field will not make the finish. If you need to drop out of the race, it is your responsibility to get back to where you need to get to but we will endeavor to help you as much as we can. If you have to drop please do so only at an aid station. Please inform the aid station captain on arrival that you intend to drop and whether you need assistance. If you need to drop out away from an aid station for medical reasons you must phone the race director immediately on the number provided at check in and head immediately to the closest aid station or the finish to return your tracker. If you drop at an aid station, the Aid Station Captains will inform you what time the shuttle bus will come through. You may have to wait some considerable time so please be patient with the volunteers. If it is imperative that you get away immediately you will be given other options involving local transport services.

7. Trail Etiquette: Please be courteous to residents, hikers, mountain bikers, horseriders and other runners. The majority of people will not even be aware of the race taking place. During the night time portion of the run please keep noise to a minimum so as not to disturb residents.

8. Volunteers: Volunteers will do everything possible to make your day a success. Many spend more hours out on the trail than do the runners themselves. Please be polite and make a point to thank them. Without the volunteers, there would be no race. 


All rules are at the final discretion of the race management team. No challenges will be permitted.

Mandatory Gear: Runners must carry the following mandatory equipment at all times. A time penalty of one hour will be imposed for any item found to be missing at any point on course. Please refer to this page for explanations on the inclusion of the below items. 

There are many options regards kit for fulfilling these requirements and those of other events. We stock what we believe to be the best options at our online store available by clicking here under the Mandatory Gear Section. Please ask us if you have any questions.

  • Fully Charged Mobile Phone including the numbers for the Race Medic and Race Director (on the number you have given at registration)
  • Water Bottles/Bladder capable of carrying a minimum of 1 litre.
  • Survival Blanket: 1.4m x 2m minimum
  • Waterproof Jacket: Gore-tex or similar, minimum 10000mm+ & must have sealed seams and a hood. 
  • Whistle
  • Headtorch or Primary Light Source Minimum 100 lumens
  • Back Up Light Source Minimum 100 Lumens
  • Warm Hat (Buff or Beanie Hat)
  • Gloves
  • Long Sleeved Base Layer or Fleece Top - This must be carried separately in a dry or waterproof bag from the start and kept dry, for use in an emergency only. Starting in two layers is not a substitute.
  • The race is cupless which means you must bring a cup with you. Soft cups are available at the store here

Strongly recommended but not mandatory: 

  • Route Map - Should be a hard copy that you are able to navigate from and not a map on your phone
  • Compass - This should be a separate physical compass and not electronic/ on your phone. 
#RuleRunner ActionPenalty
1 There will be no unofficial runners. Unofficial Runners/ Running without a registration or Running under another name Lifetime Ban at RD Discretion
2 Each runners bib number must be worn on the front of the body and must be easily visible at all times. Bib number not visible on front One Hour Penalty
3 Runners must follow the marked trail/ course at all times. Any runner caught deliberately cutting the course will be banned from taking part in future Centurion events. Short-cutting the route knowingly At the RD's Discretion
4 Each runner must complete the entire course under his or her own power. Receiving powered assistance ie. vehicular, bike, horse, or short rope from pacer DQ and Lifetime Ban
5 Runners may not store supplies of any kind along the trail. Storing Supplies along the trail Two Hour Penalty
6 Each runner must be checked IN to all aid stations. You will be disqualified if your time is not registered at every aid station. Check In at All Aid Stations At the RD's Discretion
7 Cut-off times will be strictly enforced. There are cut offs at EVERY aid station. Runners leaving any aid station after the cut off will not be listed as official finishers and will not be eligible for awards. Continuing/ leaving aid station after cut off DQ & Lifetime Ban at RD Discretion
8 Injection of PEDs or Fluids/ IVs by non-official race medical personnel Injection of PEDs or Fluids/ IVs by non-official race medical personnel DQ and Lifetime Ban
9 Littering of any kind will result in immediate disqualification. Runners caught littering will be banned from all future Centurion events. Please respect the natural beauty of our trails and the right of everyone to enjoy them. Littering will threaten our use of the trails and the future of the race. Littering by competitor or crew DQ & Lifetime Ban at RD Discretion
10 Any runner who is unable to finish the race must personally inform the aid station captain of the nearest checkpoint of their decision to withdraw. HE OR SHE MUST HAND IN THEIR RACE NUMBER TO THE AID STATION CAPTAIN AT THAT TIME. This serves as official notice of a runner’s withdrawal from the race. Runners who leave the course without turning in their number will be classified as “lost,” initiating serach and rescue, for which the runner will be charged. Not informing organisers of withdrawal from event DQ and ban at race directors discretion
11 Runners are responsible for the actions of their crews and pacers. If your crew or pacer are deemed to have broken any of the runner race rules or separate rules for crew or pacers, the runner will be held accountable. Your crew act on YOUR behalf and based on YOUR instructions. Crew/Pacers who are found to be complicit in breaking rules and/or assisting runner in breaking rules. DQ & Lifetime Ban at RD Discretion
12 Minimum age on race day - 20 Providing false information relating to age on registration form Lifetime Ban
13 Pacers are welcome to accompany runners at any stage after Henley BUT not more than one pacer can accompany a runner at any time and must join only at crew locations. Pacers may accompany runners on foot only. See separate rules for pacers in the infopacks. Pacers accompanying before first official allowed meeting point/ not on foot/ more than one pacer DQ & Lifetime Ban at RD Discretion
14 Runners must carry with them AT ALL TIMES the mandatory equipment required. Missing Item of Mandatory Kit Minimum of 1 hour penalty per missing item
15 There will be mandatory gear checks at the start, on route, or at the finish. Failure to comply with the gear checks will result in disqualification. Refusal to have obligatory equipment checked DQ & Lifetime Ban at RD Discretion
16 Runners are not to be accompanied by dogs at any time whilst on course. Accompanied by dog DQ
17 Any athlete who has been determined to have violated anti-doping rules at any time - through IAAF, the World Anti-Doping Agency, UK Anti Doping or any other National Sports Federation is ineligible for entry into any of our events. We reserve the right to conduct pre and post-competition testing for any and all performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) listed on the current WADA Prohibited List. Any athlete who refuses to submit to anti-doping controls, if selected for testing, shall be disqualified and subject to a lifetime ban from our events. Previous Doping Infraction or refusal to comply with testing if selected. DQ and Lifetime Ban
18 Runners must not be crewed in any way at races listed as no crew permitted. Crewing is deemed as any physical assistance of any kind. Being crewed on a no-crew race. DQ & Lifetime Ban at RD Discretion
19 Runners must at all times comply with any instruction given by race management, staff and volunteers. Refusal to comply with an order from the race directors, race staff, doctors or rescue personnel. DQ & Lifetime Ban at RD Discretion


Any protests to a ruling or of a runner to runner violation must be submitted by a registered entrant and must be lodged using the following procedure: 

1. Report the alleged violation to the runner, his/her crew or pacer as the incident occurs. Enlist a fellow witness to the alleged violation if possible. 

2. Report the alleged violation with the runner’s name and number to the next available aid station staff. 

3. Report the alleged violation in writing at the finish line to the race director. All protests must be submitted by 6pm on Monday following the race. Written protest must include the name of the person who lodged the complaint. 

4. Decision on all violations and rules is at the final discretion of the Race Management ONLY. There will be no challenges after that decision.

The Thames Path trail is used by, but not limited to, horse riders, walkers and mountain bikers. Please be aware of other people whilst you are running and be as polite and courteous as possible to them, making way when necessary, particularly to horses. You do not have priority over any other users out on the course, most will be totally unaware of the event taking place. All gates must be properly closed after you have gone through.

Supporters, Crews and Pacers

Please see the video here for details on what the terms crews, pacers and supporters mean and where and when the three groups are permitted at our events.


Crews are in no way essential at this event, we look after you with fully stocked aid stations, medical support and plenty of volunteers to help you on your way.

Crews must follow all of the rules and regulations of the race, including the Rules, Rules for Crews and any supplementary instructions issued in pre-race memos or at the race briefing. All crew members must willingly comply with all instructions from race staff at all points along the trail and its access routes, including parking regulations, or risk disqualification of their runner. 

Crew vehicles must be a maximum size of a Long Wheel Base transit or transporter. No Motorhomes for any reason.

The runner is directly responsible for all of the actions of his or her crew throughout the duration of the event.

NOTE: Please also ask your supporters to meet you only at the designated crew locations. Crews and Supporters are treated as the same thing for the purposes of the rules.



A crew member is defined as any individual who provides material support to a runner during the event. 

Crew vehicles must be a maximum size of a Long Wheel Base transit or transporter. No Motorhomes for any reason.

The points at which a runner may be crewed are listed on the crew page here. Crews/ Pacers/ Supporters are not be permitted meet their runner at any point other than those listed. If your crew do assist you outside of the permitted points, you the runner will be disqualified. PLEASE ensure your crew do not break this rule - you will threaten the future of the race by doing so. YOU are responsible for the actions of your crew. We cannot make this any clearer, if your crew or supporters attend anywhere outside areas deemed as permitted crew access, you risk disqualification from the event. We get people every year who are fully aware of the rules and continue to disobey them. It threatens the future of the event so please ask them not to do it. 

Crews must always drive at safe speeds. 

Crews must never park illegally on the road, or in such a way as to block traffic, access to the trail or checkpoint, or other parked cars. 

Littering of any kind at any checkpoint, along the trail, or at the finish line is strictly prohibited.  


A daypack can be helpful in transporting supplies to your runner. 

Crews should be equipped with torches and first aid kits. 

As the day progresses, crews should take care of themselves as well as they take care of their runners. Adequate hydration, regular meals and appropriate clothing will keep crew members happier, stronger and focused on the needs of their runner. 



Pacers are permitted from the Henley aid station (mile 51) onwards. Pacers must only join or handover to another pacer at the designated crew locations on this page

A pace runner may accompany their runner and are allowed solely as a safety consideration for fatigued runners. Absolutely no physical or mechanical aid may be given by the pacer to assist the runner over difficult sections of the trail except in medical emergencies. 

Pacers should be experienced trail runners in excellent physical shape and conditioned adequately to run in potentially difficult weather conditions over considerable distances. Most pacing will be done during night time hours and early morning; so pacers should be warmly dressed, used to running under headlamp, and familiar with the trail. Pacers should be adequately supplied with lights, food and water. They may accept aid at the aid stations. 


1. A pace runner is any individual who accompanies an entrant for any distance greater than 100 yards at one time. 

2. One pacer at a time may accompany each runner from the 51 mile aid station (Henley) through to the finish. 

3. Pacers may not meet runners anywhere other than the permitted crew access locations (see crew page for details of those points).

4. Multiple pacers are allowed but NO MORE THAN ONE PACER may accompany the runner at any time. 

5. Pacers must be at least 18 years of age.

6. Pacers can travel ON FOOT ONLY and must enter and leave each aid station with their runners. 

7. No mechanical or physical assistance may be given by the pacer to the runner at any time. 

8. Please respect the trails; littering of any kind is strictly prohibited. 



The Thames Path 100 is an extremely challenging event and participation in it presents numerous medical risks, many of which can be extremely serious. 

Participation in this event is at the runner’s own risk. Although medical personnel are positioned at various points along the course, the inaccessibility of much of the trail will make it difficult or impossible for medical assistance to reach the runner immediately. 

Medical support at the race is under the direction of the Race Medical Director who’s details to be used in an emergency will be made available to all runners at registration, further to that of the Race Director. 

The medical team on site for the weekend is provided by Code Blue Medical Services. At any one time during the race there will be a minium of one ambulance/ medical support car on call. There will also be a static medical team at the finish from the time of the first runner to the time of the last finisher. In addition there will be medical crews at many of the aid stations. 

It is important for each entrant to recognise the potential physical and mental stresses, which may evolve from participation in the race. Runners may be subject to extremes of cold, hypothermia, hyperthermia, dehydration, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, disorientation and mental and physical exhaustion. We and the medical staff strive to work with runners and will do all we reasonably can to ensure “safe passage” to the finish line, but ultimately runners must understand their own limitations. Adequate physical and mental conditioning prior to the race is mandatory. If you have not been able to prepare properly, do not attempt to run. 

Runners should appreciate the risks associated with participation in this event. Actions may have to be taken on your behalf under extreme time constraints and adverse circumstances. We will make every effort to give assistance whenever possible but ultimately and primarily you are in charge, and you are likely to be solely responsible for creating your own crisis that we must then respond to. Be careful, be responsible, and do not exceed your own abilities and limitations. 

Some of the main risks, but certainly not all of them, are listed here. These should be understood and remembered by all runners, before and during the event. Please note that death can result from several of the risk conditions discussed below. 

1. Renal Shutdown: Renal shutdown occurs from muscle tissue injury which causes the release of myoglobin, a protein material, into the blood plasma. Myoglobin is cleared from the blood stream by the kidneys and will look brownish-colored in the urine. Adequate hydration will help flush myoglobin through the kidneys. Overwhelming amounts of myoglobin may clog the filtering system of the kidneys either partially or totally. If not treated, renal shutdown can cause permanent impairment of kidney function. There is extensive research to support the claim that NSAIDs (ie. ibuprofen etc) greatly increase a runners chances of reaching a stage of renal shutdown. We will not provide Ibuprofen or at any aid station and you are strongly advised not to take it during or immediately after the run. 

2. Effects of Cold/Hypothermia: Temperatures may drop towards 0 Degrees Centigrade during the day and particularly the night portion of the Run. With wet conditions and/or moderate to high winds runners will be open to severe exposure during the event.  Hypothermia is a serious risk, especially at night and in the wet since one’s energy reserves will have been depleted from 20 or more hours of running. Hypothermia can strike very quickly, particularly when pace slows from exhaustion or injury. The initial warning signs of hypothermia often include lethargy, disorientation and confusion. The runner will feel very cold with uncontrolled shivering and may become confused, unaware of the surroundings, and may possibly be an immediate danger to his or herself. Staying well-nourished, adequately hydrated and appropriately clothed will help avoid hypothermia. 

3. Risks Associated with Low Sodium and Chloride Counts: Low sodium levels (hyponatremia) in ultramarathon runners have been associated with severe illness requiring hospitalization. It is important for long-distance athletes to use fluids or eat foods containing electrolytes/ salt to replace the water and salts lost during exercise. Risks of hyponatremia can be minimised by eating salted foods a few days prior to the Run, matching fluid and electrolyte intake to sweat losses and monitoring weight. The best way to achieve proper electrolyte and fluid balance is to hydrate with fluids containing proper amounts of electrolytes and to replace with sodium-containing foods or supplements, if required, and as determined during your training. Electrolyte fluids should be consumed for a good period (a few hours) after the Run. Once the gut is working and adequate hydration has occurred, the normal balance of thirst, hunger, digestion and kidney filtration will maintain the proper balance of fluids and electrolytes. Water or dilute sports drinks should be consumed only after the onset of urination. 

4. Vehicle Hazards: Much of the trail is near to, crosses or travels along roads which are NOT marshalled. There are therefore several areas on the course where runners and pacers must be watchful for automobiles. Runners cross all roads at their own risk. 

5. Use of Drugs: No drugs of any kind should be taken before, during or immediately after the Run. A partial list of problem drugs include amphetamines, tranquilizers, and diuretics. 

7. Injuries from Falling: Falling is an ever-present danger on trails, with potentially serious consequences. Much of the trail is narrow, uneven and rutted and there are some sections of stairs where particular attention is required. The course may be covered with water, mud or even snow and ice which will create significant challenges and potential hazards to runners. 

8. Overuse Injuries: Obviously, innumerable overuse injuries can occur, especially in the knee and the ankle. Sprains and fractures can easily occur on the trails. Blisters may also halt progress. 

9. Common Fatigue: One of the dangers you will encounter is fatigue. Fatigue, combined with the effects of dehydration, hypothermia, hyperthermia, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia and other debilitating conditions can produce disorientation and irrationality. 

10. Difficulty in Gaining Access to or Locating Injured Participants: Much of the trail is inaccessible by motor vehicle. Accordingly, in spite of the many layers of safety precautions instituted by the race management (including radio communications, sweepers, foot patrols and other emergency services and medical personnel at many checkpoints), there is absolutely no assurance that aid or rescue assistance will arrive in time to give you effective assistance should you become sick, incapacitated or injured. 

What to do in a Medical Emergency:

If there is a problem and you need the Medical Team either to attend or just for advice, call: 07421 005671 at ANY time during the event. 

This will put you through to the Event Medical Team Leader who will co-ordinate any response and/or give advice, Our team will be happy to talk you through Emergency Aid Procedures on the phone whilst they are on their way to you. 

If you are ill/injured or have found someone who is ill/injured and need the medical team to attend your location, we’ll need to know the following: 

- Your Phone Number (In case we need to call you back) 

- Where You Are (Preferably a what3words location)

- Your name and/or Runner Number and that of the Casualty if Different. 

- What’s wrong? What do you need the medical team for? 

- If you are not the casualty, but have found them, please stay with them until help arrives, whilst this may impact on your personal best, at least you’ll have a good excuse

Make the casualty as visible as possible and keep them warm, It is mandatory for each runner to carry a “Foil Blanket” which should be used if you're in any doubt at all. 

Do not allow the casualty to move UNLESS they are in an unsafe position, e.g. in the middle of a busy road and there is no other option. 

Do not give the casualty anything to eat or drink until the medical team arrive as they may require surgery or medical procedures at hospital and food/drink will delay this being able to happen. 

Be ready to flag down the Medical Team when they are close by. 

The phone used to call the Medical Team must remain with the casualty until the medical team arrives, if we’re having difficulty finding you, we will call you back. 

Calling 999 

General Rule: If the Casualty is NOT BREATHING, is likely to STOP BREATHING imminently, call 999 for the Ambulance Service, then the Event Medical Team (We ask that you call both because we may be close by and can assist until the 999 Service Arrives), for all other Injuries/Illnesses, call the Event Medical Team on the above number FIRST and we’ll take it from there. 

If you just need advice, give the Medical Team a call on the number above, or speak to one of the marshalls.

Non-Medical Risks and Dangers

There are other significant risks to runners during the race which do not fall under the medical category. The major ones are listed here and all runners should be aware of these prior to race day. 

1. Social Hazards. The Trail makes its way through many small towns and villages as well as many more remote sections of countryside. There is always the opportunity for undesirable characters to be on or around the trail and the chance that they may cause trouble for runners. This did happen in 2018 when two runners were confronted in Reading, escaping without harm but an extremely unpleasant experience nonetheless. For that reason we advise all runners to avoid running alone at night. Runners who want to listen to music should use headphones during the daylight sections only and be aware of their surroundings at all times on the trail. From Henley onwards, aid stations captains will offer those that want it, the option of buddying up with other runners, right through to the finish. If you are in any doubt, wait for the next runner to come through and traverse the next section with them. You can then either await another buddy runner arrival or continue on.

2. The River. The Thames is not a clean river and the risk of Weil's disease to those that come into contact with or fall directly in to the water is very real. Please stay alert to where you are in relation to the water at all times. If you do fall in to the water, call the medical director number immediately. Try to keep moving and stay warm, using your survival blanket if necessary. Get to a spot at which the ambulance can reach you and await their arrival. 

3. Road Crossings. As mentioned frequently throughout this document, there are many road crossings, busy road junctions and one level crossing to negotiate and sections of the Thames Path that travel along roads. It is impossible to marshal all of the junctions. Instead, we ask runners to be alert and aware at all times when emerging on to roads. We advise all runners to recce the route prior to race day, particularly the sections they will negotiate at night and make themselves familiar with the road crossing on the route. It is YOUR responisibility as a runner to navigate all road crossings safely. 

4. Getting lost. Whilst the course is marked, runners must be prepared to us their maps and follow the Thames Path waymarkers as the principal source of navigation, remembering that the acorn is the symbol of the National Trail. The Thames Path is the major trail through this area. Race staff do their best to provide a marked trail, but it is necessary for runners to continually remain alert as they travel. On occasion, course markings may be removed or vandalised. Knowledge of the trail, particularly of those miles that will be covered in the dark, will be of infinite benefit to the runner. YOU are ultimately responsible to follow the correct course. The course will be marked with our pink marker ribbons and Centurion directional arrows.

Aid Stations


All aid stations carry as a minimum: Water, Coke, Gu Energy Gels, Tailwind, Fruit, Chocolate, Sweets, Sandwiches, Nuts and other snacks including vegan and vegetarian options.

Hot Drinks will be available at all aid stations from Hurley onwards.

Many of the aid station volunteers have either ultrarunning or medical experience and have been fully briefed as to what runners will require during the race. The aid stations are well stocked with fluids and a variety of foods. The fluids that are generally available are: Water, Tailwind and Coke. Some aid stations may also be serving hot food and drinks (listed below). 

Without the assistance of the volunteers and race medics, there would be no race. Many of these volunteers have spent days preparing for the run and will be out on the course for over 30 hours assisting runners. They have given up their weekend to insure you the best possible chance of success. Courtesy and sincere thanks from the runners will go a long way to help make their day.


Transportation of drop bags will be possible to the locations listed below. This service is provided to aid crewless runners. Those with adequate support are asked not to overload our volunteers with unnecessary drop bags. 

Drop bags must be securely tied, labelled clearly with the runner’s name, the aid station the drop bag is to go to and entry number. A separate drop bag is required for each aid station, not one for all as they will be transported only to the aid station written on them and then the finish. Drop bags must be deposited at registration. Runners are limited to one drop bag per permitted aid station. Pacers are not allowed drop bags. Please do not use paper bags, shoe boxes, or anything made of paper-like products. These can get wet and tear easily. 

Drop bags must NOT exceed 45cm x 25cm x 25cm in size ie. the size of a large shoe box for any one aid station - with the exception of the finish line bag which may be larger (up to a standard kit bag size).  

Drop Bag Locations are: 

  1. Mile 51: Henley
  2. Mile 71: Goring
  3. Mile 100: Finish at Oxford

Drop bags will be transported to the finish line for 1000 on Sunday. Drop bags not collected at the finish by 1500 on the Sunday, may be disposed of.

Cut Offs

Cut-off and “pace” times are listed on the Aid Station Chart. Cut-off times reflect the deadlines for LEAVING the aid station. If you return to an aid station after the cut-off, you will be WITHDRAWN from the Run. The cut-off times will be strictly enforced by the Course Sweep Manager and aid station teams. Anyone leaving an aid station after the cut-off time will be disqualified. This rule is for the safety of all participants. There is NO NEGOTIATION on the cut off times. If you miss a cut off it is because you are travelling too slowly to reach the finish line within the alloted 28 hours.

IF YOU MISS THE CUT-OFF EVEN BY A MINUTE, YOU MUST STOP. Significant sanctions will apply to anyone breaking this rule. If you miss a cut off you must hand in your race number to the aid station, at which point you are officially withdrawn from the race. Please do not argue with our aid station volunteers, they are there of their own good will.


All TP100 entrants who finish the Run in full accordance with the rules qualify for awards given in recognition of their achievement. 

1. All finishers in under 24:00:00 hours will receive a 100 MILES - ONE DAY finishers buckle.

2. All finishers in under 30:00:00 hours will receive a 100 MILE FINISHER buckle.

N.B. Runners crossing the finish line after the 30 hour cutoff will not be listed as official finishers. 

Male and Female Race winners will each be awarded the Centurion Trophy. 

Saturday 3rd May 2025

0700 - 0845 - Richmond Town Hall

  • Race Registration
  • Drop Bag and Finish Line Bag deposit open

0900 - Richmond New Waterfront

  • Race start

Sunday 4th May 2025

1500 - Queens College Sports Ground, Oxford

  • Final Cut off - Race Finish

Crew Access
Drop Bag
Est Leader
Cut Off
Richmond Old Town Hall, Whittaker Avenue, Richmond, London

The race starts on the river itself, adjacent to the Town Hall on the new Richmond Waterfront. The best place to park is at Richmond Station in the NCP, The Quadrant, Kew Road, TW9 1DN. There is no parking in Whittaker Avenue or in Heron Square adjacent to the Town Hall. This thoroughfare will be kept clear for drop off only. 

Walton On Thames





Meadows Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire.

Park anywhere along Mill Meadows Road (pay and display). The aid station is at the far end of the meadows, on the path itself and adjacent to the water, directly opposite the Rowing Museum.

Wokingham Waterside Centre, Thames Valley Park Drive, Berkshire
Aid Station is up the ramp/ stairs in the Waterside Centre. Parking is just off of Thames Drive adjacent to the building.




Clifton Hampden

Lower Radley

Queens College Recreation Ground, 86 Abingdon Road, Oxford

To access the Queens College Sports Ground, you must take the signed turning off of the Abingdon Road leading to and from Oxford town centre and the ring road. You enter the sports ground via a single lane tarmac drive that meanders left and then banks sharply right. Follow this road all the way to the end to the parking by the field & the finish line. Parking at the finish line is limited so please only bring one car per runner down to the ground. There is plenty of parking nearby to leave other cars otherwise other runner support won't be able to get in to see their runners finish.