This was the thirteenth edition of the Autumn 100 and as usual it was an amazing end of regular season 100 mile party.

We had 252 runners start the race, with 19 of those Grand Slam hopefuls aiming to complete miles 300-400 this year. Ken Fancett, aiming to do so for the tenth time. So many returning faces, some going for their fifth or tenth finish to earn their 500 and 1000 mile buckles. But so many first timers also. With the four out and back spurs, it sets up so well for those who are new to the distance, allowing them to break down the overall race into smaller more manageable segments. For the volunteers and staff, it's an opportunity to engage with the whole community on a deeper level as everyone typically sees every runner multiple times and in many ways we all get to live their journeys that much more deeply because of those more regular interactions, than at the point to point events.

The competitive side of this event is also elevated by those out and backs, because the runners literally get to see each other at least four times, taking time splits and staring into the depths of each others souls as they make each 12.5 mile turn around. It leads to some fascinating race management and tactical running. 

The womens race looked on paper like one of the most competitive we've ever had and it did not disappoint. Hannah Rickman looked to be the favourite, having previously won the NDW100, the Northern Traverse and with two Spine race second places under her belt all in recent years. But this race contains a LOT of running and that was somewhat new compared to the much longer events she has excelled at. On the flip side, Amy-Jo Clarke was stepping up in distance for the first time, with wins at races like NDW50 and Hundred Hills she had the running speed. How would that trade off? Behind both of them, Ali Young the most experienced long distance runner in the field with multiple Team GB 24hr vests behind her and incredible success at GUCR, Spartathlon and the like. 

Initially the group went out together, sitting way back from a charging mens field, as is usually the case, with all of the above tightly packed but with them also Ellen Cheetham, also running her debut 100. The group were back in off of Leg One together but it was Hannah who ran out in first place on to the second set of 25 miles, with Ellen second and Amy-Jo in third. Amy-Jo moved just ahead of Ellen during that leg but only 13 minutes separated the three at 50 miles. Hannah made it through in 7:44 which was a 50 mile PB, Amy-Jo in 7:56 and Ellen just a minute back. Those positions then held for the entire remainder of the race, what was remarkable was the conistency in the gap between Hannah and Amy-Jo in particular which hovered between 12 and 16 minutes all the way until the final return from Reading where Hannah finally managed to extend the gap to win in a superb time of 16:46. Amy-Jo Clarke took second in 17:19 and Ellen Cheetham third in 18:26. Some fine running. 

Hannah Rickman

In the mens race, the lead changed hands a whole lot more. Initially it was Steve Hobbs leading through the early stages, with quite a gap over a group of chasing guys including the American Brady Poskin, Daniel Moloney, Dominic Jones and Nikolas Wakefield. 

Out on leg two Steve dropped back and Brady surged into the lead but held only a small gap over Daniel and Dominic. He extended that out over Leg three before making it back to Goring in 11:04. He then ran a fine final leg to finish in 15:20 for his first win with us but simpy adding to a fine running CV of racing in the US. Dominic took second in 15:43 and Daniel third in 16:13. 

Brady Poskin

In the age categories, awards went to:

Amy Jo-Clarke (FV40) also second overall, Ali Young (FV50) in 20:19.

Dominic Jones (MV40) also second overall, Mike Ridsdale (MV50), Dominic Osman-Allu (MV60) and the MV70 award of course went to Ken Fancett.

The Grand Slam is a truly incredible achievement with it being a major challenge just to make four 100 mile start lines healthy inside of the five months over which the series takes place. 19 made it this far but unfortunately one did not finish. Lisa Watson was stopped by the cold out on Leg three but has had a wonderful year overall and will be back in the future for sure. Our congratulations to Andrew Churchill and Jade Griffin for being the fastest to finish in 2024. The final Grand Slam 100 mile table is available here.

Special shout out to Caroline Underwood & Michael Bennett. Caroline was our final female finisher and was back after missing the final 99 mile aid station cut off at the NDW100 earlier this year. It was such a relief to see her finish the right side of the final time limit here. Michael finished with just 3 minutes to spare having worked as hard as possible to make it home in time and give us a really great final finisher moment, in contrast to the Chiltern Wonderland 50 where the heartbreak at the final moment was very real!

A huge thanks to our team of 80 volunteers who made this always - weather and river related - logistically challenging event possible!

273 runners joined us for the ninth edition of the Chiltern Wonderland 50 and our third 50 miler of the 2024 season. Huge thunderstoms hit the area the night before the race but thankfully cleared through just before 5am and the opening of race registration. Still, some showers followed behind and made it a soggy morning on and off, bringing with it some muddier sections underfoot but certainly keeping runners cooler in the 20+ degrees temperatures. A brighter afternoon arrived to welcome home our first finishers all the way through to the final cut off 13 hours into the race at 2130. 

The womens race was tight from the start, with Michelle Attridge, our Grand Slam 50 mile leader and winner of this years' SDW50 out in front. She held a margin of less than 10 minutes over a group of ladies behind including Jennifer Wood, Fiona Slevin-Brown and Gemma Game. As the day went on it became clear we were going to see one of the closest womens race finishes of all time, with Michelle just ahead, Jennifer and Fiona seeminly locked in step for second and third for almost the entire race and Gemma closing from behind. Leaving Grims Ditch with 9 miles to go Michelle had a three minute advantage. Gemma unfortunately went off course and missed the check point there, which ruled her out of the podium places despite battling all the way to the end. Michelle was eventually just overhauled in the final miles by Fiona who ran on to win in 8:35:46 and Jennifer Wood who took second in 8:39:18. Michelle picking up third in 8:41:41. What a race!

Fiona Slevin-Brown

In the mens event, there was light hearted chatter at the start about course records, with Jon Ellis' 2020 mark of 6:22 the time to beat. It seemed likely that SDW50 Champ Alistair Courtney and Benjamin Hall, who shared the NDW50 podium with Alistair earlier this year would be most likely to contend things and that proved to the be the case. The two absolutely blitzed away from the field, running together to CP1 before Alistair stole a quick gap as Benjamin visited the check point. Both ran the entire climb up to the windmill proving the kind of effort being put in, before pushing through the marathon CP at Ibstone in 3:13 and 3:18 respectively. Hitting the final third, the two were more than 10km up on the remainder of the field, but it was Alistair who despite a fall on some greasy chalk, managed to continue to forge ahead to eventually take his second win of the year in 6:32. He became the second fastest person to run this course. Benjamin came through for second in 6:56. Roger Maimont ran a super race for third place and first MV50 to boot in 7:48. 

Alistair Courtney and Benjamin Hall running hard early in the race

In the age cateogories, awards went to the following:

FV40 to Libby Clark who was also fourth. FV50 to the race winner Fiona Slevin-Brown. FV60 to Nicky Callus in 12:09. It is worth pointing out both that the first two finishers in the womens overall race were V50 and that we had four FV60 finishers which just goes to show the depth that we are now seeing in the age cat performances. 

MV40 went to Mark Potts in 7:56. MV50 to Roger Maidmont also third overall. MV60 to Phil Hoy in 9:47 and MV70 to Ken Fancett in 11:47.

We often have some very tight finishes up against the 13 hour cut off at this event, literally going down to the final few seconds. Three runners were still out on course with a minute to go this time - Stuart Holmes made it home with 47 seconds to spare. Zingy Theto reached the final 100 metres in time but was the wrong side of the hall! And by the time she had made it back around on the course she crossed the line in 13:00:06. James Hodge finished a minute later. The attitude expressed by these final two runners who completed the course but outside the alloted time by a hairs breath was by far the most inspiring part of the day. Huge disappointment but tempered with a stoic attitude and with thanks to the volunteers - both immediately agreed to return in 2025.

Zingy Theto

A huge thank you to our volunteer team of which 60 of them made this event possible. Some of them pulling shifts from 0500 pre-race through to final clear up at 2230. It's a long day but so worthwhile!

We look forward to welcoming everyone back to Goring for the Autumn 100 in just three weeks time.

Saturday 3rd August marked the start of the fourteenth edition of the North Downs Way 100 - our first event back in 2011. Light drizzle and an overcast sky led into a warm, humid August afternoon before the most beautiful night and Sunday morning. Good conditions on the whole for our field of 206 starters and the finish rate of 65% was a solid result from this race. That figure is almost bang on the average we have seen over the 58 x 100 mile races we have held since we began. 

All Photos c/o David Miller Photography

Both starting fields looked like they had on paper, the potential to go very fast indeed, with long standing course records seemingly under threat. 

The womens race was especially competitive with a cast of potential front runners, fantastic to see at what traditionally has been our toughest 100 miler with the lowest female participation rates. 

Sarah Page came into the race with two fine results from 2023 behind her, a win at the South Downs Way 100 and a second place at the Autumn 100. She ran ahead right from the gun and led all the way to Ashford, to pick up her second Centurion trophy. With a finish time of 21:05, she was never troubled and seemed to enjoy the clear air out front, smiling from ear to ear throuhgout. She has really impressed in her 100 mile career to date, long may it continue.

Sarah Page

Whilst Sarah was quite a way ahead of Debbie Martin-Consani's course record pace in the first half, along with the top four-five ladies in general, as the race wore on the consistency of Deb's fine run was too much and the record still stands at 18:34. 

Behind Sarah, running in second and third place for much of the first half were Ally Whitlock and Anastasia Hounslow. But that all changed in the second half as Anastasia stopped around 70 miles in and a storming Helen Newman ran into third, before finally coming past Ally into second with just 10 miles to go. Her time of 21:59 was significantly under the pace plan she had on her arm of 28 hours! Ally finished third in 22:26 continuing a run of fine results she is having this year, having already completed half of the 50 mile slam in 2024.

In the mens race, the first half was dominated by a flying Rich Mcdowell. Our TP100 course record holder came into the race with bold targets and a bold outfit to match, with a customised all in one white cycling suit. It was fantastic to watch him blaze through the early miles, putting a massive margin into Mark Darbyshire's course record splits, almost 25 minutes up at the third check point. But he seemed to slow in the miles leading up to Knockholt Pound, mile 50, which he left in 6:50 elapsed, a little off plan. Then a tumble on route to Wrotham would take him out of the race there. Hopefully he returns to roll the dice again. That left space behind for the due of 2023 champion Ryan Whelan and Centurion Coach Jamie Pugh who spent many miles together, to move into the lead. Ryan forged ahead of Jamie into Knockholt Pound and like Sarah didn't look back as he ran a fantastic second half to take back to back wins in 15:56, an improvement of over an hour year on year.

Ryan Whelan

Jamie ran home second in 17:10, in what was his first 100 mile race, a really impressive performance and third went to Geoff Cheshire, who after struggling with his stomach through much of the middle part of the race, initially rallied to catch Jamie before slipping back again to his second podium finish at this event, in a time of 18:13.

135 runners crossed the line, 39 of them under 24 hours. Special mention to Mary Marshall who sprinted across the line to break the 24 hour mark by just 22 seconds!

In the age categories, awards went to the following:

MV40 to to Geoff Cheshire also third, MV50 to Bruce Mclaren in 22:26, MV60 to Mark Pack in 29:20 and MV70 to Ken Fancett - who finished the race for the 12th time, a record he continues to extend.

First FV40 went to race winner Sarah Page and first FV50 to Amanda Sterling in 27:33. 

A huge thank you to the 110 volunteers, markers, sweepers and staff who made the event possible. Next up, the Chiltern Wonderland 50 in September.

Our South Downs Way 100 has always held a special place in the hearts of many, right from the first year back in 2012. But the legacy of the event and the trail, goes back very much farther. The route has existed for thousands of years, it is etched onto the rolling wave of land that is the South Downs and on a weekend like the one we have just had, with the sun out and views for miles, with a magical sky overhead at night - it really does not get any better for runners brave enough to take on a 100 mile trail journey. Previously the South Downs 80 which existed during the late 1980s and early 1990s was the World Trail Championships - and their course echoes the final 80 miles of this race too. It was great to have some of the runners of those races decades ago, around at the weekend.

This years event was even more special as in its first year as part of the Gran Canaria World Trail Majors series, we had the highest finish rate of any 100 mile race we have organised to date. From 56 races, the 81.1% finish count was a new record. What a weekend it was! 

This year the race took on a different dimension, as with the help of a newly formed media team, we were able to deliver a live broadcast of the race for the first time, allowing those at home to watch the action unfold live. With webcams giving an eye on first to last through every check point, as well as live commentary from out on the course at least every 2 hours, we were able to hopefully convey the magic of the race to people who otherwise haven't or won't get the chance to experience it for themselves. We very much look forward to expanding on this in future, it was extremely worthwhile!

On to the race itself.

Runners began congregating at Matterley Bowl just east of Winchester, on Friday afternoon and there was a palpable buzz around the incredible natural amphitheatre, where the race starts and registration takes place. At 1830 the highlight of the calendar kicked off - the 1 mile kids race! Some superb performances were laid down by our group of up and comers aged between 4 and 12. 

On Saturday morning, registration complete, runners gathered in the starting area for a short pre-race briefing before getting underway at 0600 prompt in near perfect running conditions. 

The mens and womens races unfolded in very different ways but one similarity to both was that the initial early leaders were not those that eventually triumphed - this day would belong to those who managed their efforts a little more conservatively early on, which reaped rewards in the second half. That is normally the way in a 100 miler but even more so when the depth of the starting field is more significant!

In the womens race, it was Winter Downs 200 podium finisher Sophie Bennett who led the early miles around the estate looking very relaxed, before the field exited onto the South Downs Way at mile 4. Justine Putnam then forged into ahead and led through CP1 and CP2 at QECP, with Sophie and Cat Simpson - from our Centurion Ultra Team - rounding out the top three spots. Hannah Green sat just off of the back of them in fourth place. The same group occupied the top four spots through Cocking Mile 35, but over that intervening section, Cat had moved ahead of Justine and opened up a gap out front. Having finished second here twice before, the GB international looked completely in control, despite missing out on her gels which her crew had briefly left behind at CP2!

Sophie Bennett and Hannah Green

Over to Washington at mile 54 and the major 'half-way' check point, Cats' lead grew substantially and she seemed to be on cruise control. Her split there of 9:23 was 40 minutes ahead of the other three ladies who in fact, came into Washington together. Behind them however, was a fast closing Karen Benway. Previous podium finisher at one of the other World Trail Major Series Events - Quebec Mega Trail - Karen, one of the most experienced runners in the field, had clearly managed her effort very wisely indeed.

Cats' lead only grew over the following miles, at one point stretching out to over an hour, asJustine slowed and dropped back, Hannah Green moving into seecond place at the 100km mark. Vermont native Karen, then took the impetus as the closely packed group behind moved through the Saddlescombe Farm check point and found clear air in third initially, before passing Hannah Green into second coming down into Alfriston with just eight miles to go. From there, the positions remained unchanged.

So after two second places here in the past including in 2023, Cat took home a much deserved victory in 19:26. Karen Benway took second in 20:18, with Hannah Green finishing third in in 20:25.  

Cat Simpson took the victory in her third finish here

In the mens, the race went out fast with Autumn 100 course record holder Geoff Cheshire heading out solo ahead of a big group of likely leading contenders. Geoff starts quick and likes to establish and hold a lead which he did here, running bang on course record pace through the early check points. We wondered if this could finally be the year that Mark Perkins' 14:03 could be threatened, especially with the calibre of runners behind Geoff. In the chasing pack were GB international Rob Payne. From South Africa - twice second place at Tor Des Glaciers finisher Tiaan Erwee. Previous SDW100 champion Pete Windross. Summer Spine and recent Northern Traverse Champion Dave Phillips and behind of them, the two most decorated and experienced runners of all - our Ultra Team runner and previous European 24hr Champion Dan Lawson, alongisde former UTMB winner Jez Bragg. Two of the more unknown runners in amongst them were Hugh Tibbs and Matt Hammerton - who both looked very cool and measured in their approaches.

Jez Bragg with pacer

Over the ebb and flow of the early miles, positions barely changed. Geoff first through Cocking at Mile 35, Rob Payne in second, but Geoff was faltering with some cramp, eventually dropping shortly after and Rob blew past into the lead. Rob held that into Washington but first then switched to Pete Windross who put his foot down to what seemed an almost crazy pace over the coming miles to forge ahead by a healthy margin. However, unsustainable it did prove to be, as the more consistent pacing of the highest performing runner over longer ultras that we have seen in the past decade here in the UK - Dan Lawson, used every ounce of his competitive ability to move into the lead with the final quarter of the race approaching. Hugh Tibbs was impressing to, as he and Pete Windross arrived at Housedean Farm and the final drop bag point almost together. 

The gaps were only ever a matter of minutes over the closing part of the race and it was clear that any faltering by any runner would allow those behind to quickly move up. But each of those front guys remained strong and positions unchanged as they arrived in Eastbourne in the same order. 

Dan Lawson won in 14:27:30, making him the second fastest ever finisher at this race. Hugh Tibbs was second in 14:46 and Pete Windross third in 14:48. Incredible racing. 

Dan Lawson

In the Age Categories awards went to the following:

First FV40 was Cat Simpson, race winner. First FV50 was Karen Benway who finished second overall. First FV60 and indeed our only FV60 finisher was Darla Crispin in 28:27.

First MV40 was Matt Hammerton in 15:04. First MV50 was Dan Lawson - race winner. First MV60 wqas Tony Deacon in 23:21 and in what was one of the stand out performances of the weekend, first MV70 did not go to Ken Fancett for a change, but to David Prince-Iles who has moved up into that Age Category this year. David ran 20:14 for a new Age Group record. 

Ken though, went home as the only new recipient of the 1000 mile buckle - for his tenth finish at this race and 103rd all time 100 mile finish.

Ken Fancett

Our final finisher was Kunal Yadav who was the 349th person to cross the line out of the 430 starters. That is a new record for total finishers. But incredibly as mentioned above it is also a new record for highest finishing rate - 81% - of any 100 mile race we have organised to date - out of 56 total events. 

A quick mention to John Robertson also - John was on the track when the cut off of 30:00:00 passed and finished just 90 seconds over. He immediately agreed to come back in 2025 at the offer of a sponsor place. His spirit is exactly what makes this sport so special.

Kunal Yadav - Our Final Finisher of 2024

As always, we cannot do any of this without the help of the 150 volunteers plus the race staff and broadcast teams. Our biggest thanks to them, to our landlords and the South Downs National Park for their help in hosting this event every year.

See the links below for the race recap:

Part 1 of the Live Stream
Part 2 of the Live Stream
Part 3 of the Live Stream

Click here to view and play back the live tracking

Results and photo links at the top of the page.

2024 marked the thirteenth edition of the North Downs Way 50. And better conditions we've probably never had. One could be picky and say it was a touch humid and the ground a little sticky in places with all the rain over the winter but all in all, it was a great May day once again with cloudy skies turning to sunny intervals and temperatures ranging from 11 to 20 degrees - always manageable. 

361 runners set out from Farnham, spread out over two waves, with the runners with faster anticipated finishing times heading off at 0700 to really create lots of space on the trail and of course at the finish where we are always grateful to Knockholt Pound Village for hosting us. 

The womens race was led from the gun by Katie Young, a Centurion coached athlete no less, wearing the polka dot bib that our coaching community are given. Fresh off of the back of a top ten at the MDS and a win at the Coastal Challenge - Costa Rica, Katie clearly had great running from the start, forged a gap over the rest of the field in the early miles and didn't look back. Although visibly suffering with a niggle on any descents in the latter stages, her super strong hiking pace more than made up for it and she ran the flats hard and fast right to the bitter end to sneak in under the eight hour mark, putting her seventh on the all time list. 

Katie Young

In second place, Michelle Attridge made it two excellent run outs from two as she completed the first half of her Grand Slam attempt. She finished in 8:28. Third place was taken by Natalie Taylor who passed Mary Marshall late on. 

The mens race saw the lead taken early by Alistair Courtney, fresh off of the back of his win at the South Downs Way 50. Oliver Knowles was right behind however and after CP1 snuck past into the lead, which he held through CP3 at mile 24. His margin there was six minutes over Alistair, but six guys were hot on his heels and made it through that check point in under three hours which is somewhat unheard of. Over the next, arguably toughest section of the course to Reigate Hill featuring Box Hill Steps and then the climb up Colley Hill, Oliver slipped back and it was Patrick Wightman who moved into the lead. From there he eeked out just a couple of minutes over each remaining section to eventually come across the line first in a new course record time of 6:31:48. After finishing second last year, this was a just reward. Alistair held on for a briliiant second in 6:38, with Benjamin Hall taking third in 6:46:56, just 27 seconds ahead of Marius Posa in fourth.

Patrick Wightman

In the age categories, with Katie Young having celebrated her fortieth birthday just a few days prior to the race, she also won her age category which was a lovely bonus to help her celebrate! First FV50 was Sharon Walker in 8:58.

In the mens Age Categories, first MV40 was Guy Hudson in 7:04. The mens V50 award went to Michael Williams in 7:45. First MV60 to Aziouz Lammali in 9:12 and first MV70 was of course Ken Fancett in 11:32.

330 runners across the line here was a new record. A wonderful one to set. A huge thank you to all of our volunteers of whom over 70 of them made all of this possible.

The thirteenth edition of the Thames Path 100 took place on a beautiful, sunny weekend - not too warm, not too cold - sandwiched in between some truly atrocious weather. This event has been marred by heavy rain or extreme heat the last several years so we were delighted to get a 'good one' this time, however whilst the first 70 miles were in good condition, some treacherous mud sprinkled into the last 50km thanks to the wettest winter on record, certainly made for a challenging final section for all of those who endured that far. 

Of the 295 starters, many were first timers and this race continues to attract a lot of UK and international runners, making their 100 mile debut. After the tragic loss of one of our community Ed Catmur, over New Years Eve last year, we were joined by the start by Richard and Ginny Catmur, Ed's parents who said a few words in his honour. Ed ran thirty, 100 mile races with including eight TP100's and a win here in 2014. It was a moving start to the day and the first timers had the added incentive of being eligible for the new Ed Catmur trophy for fastest first time 100 mile finishers up in Oxford. 

The womens race was competitive, close and exciting as the lead changed hands several times over the course of the weekend. There were four runners all within a minute of each other at check point one inclduding Anna Brown, Jette Anders, Bonnie Rye and Tamsin Neale and whilst the field inevitably spread out, the gaps remained very small. Bonnie made the Henley Check Point - halfway - in 8:50, with Anna and Tamsin within 12 minutes of her in second and third. 

Tamsin Neale

It was however, Anna who found the strongest finishing kick, passing Bonnie between Goring and Wallingford heading into the final quarter and extending her leading margin over the final miles to cross the line in 20:53. Tamsin also passed Bonnie to finish second in 21:23 and Bonnie took third in 22:37. 

Anna Brown

Anna ran the Grand Slam a few years ago but missed the Thames Path due to sickness. She finished an unofficial Slam that year by running the TP100 solo, so this was not only a debut win with us but also a fitting outcome to make up for that missing race.

The mens race had a very different shape to it as Kallum Pritchard, one of the favourites coming in, took the lead from the gun and never looked back. He also never looked like relinquishing it. The early stages were despatched at a low 7 minute mile pace as he passed through the first half check points at close to Course Record pace. With the added diversions this year due to bridge closures, the course was running at 103 miles, so that would always factor in to his being able to challenge the CR, but as Kallum hit the mud in the last quarter he did also slow as that opportunity quickly slipped away. But his margin over those behind had grown to an entire check point and he had the opportunity to relax and enjoy his first win with us.

Kallum Pritchard

Second and third place in the mens race went to Senne De Schouwer and Milan Sumny in 16:29 and 16:51 respectively. Both men were a long way off of the podium places earlier in the day and ran superbly paced efforts to come through and finish strong. A great example of race management where the second half features the tougher running. 

The Ed Catmur awards went to two thoroughly deserving runners. What made these more special is that the athletes themselves were aware of these awards, and that they were in line or competing for them out on course - creating a level of competition and something tangible to aim for that wasn't necessarily a podium place. 

In the mens race Nick Miller held the 'lead' for a long time, going back and forth with Morgan Glazier, before he slowed and eventually unfortunately stopped at Lower Radley. Leaving Morgan to take the award. Nikki Javan won the womens award, finishing fifth overall. To have Richard and Ginny Catmur at the finish to present these was a wonderful and uplifting moment for all and an thoroughly appropriate way to honour Ed's memory.

Richard and Ginny Catmur with Morgan Glazier

Richard and Ginny Catmur with Nikki Javan

In the Age Categories, first FV40 was Anna Brown who was first over the line overall. First FV50 went to Tamsin Neale in a superb second overall. 

In the mens Age Cats, the MV40 award went to Milan Sumny in 16:51. MV50 to previous TP100 winner Pete Windross. MV60 to the evergreen Sammy Kilpatrick and MV70 to Ken Fancett who finished his 12th Thames Path 100 and 43rd 100 miler with us.

A huge thank you as always to a team of 98 volunteers and 15 course markers who made this event possible. We will see you all in less than two weeks for the North Downs Way 50!



A wonderful field of regulars and newbie's alike, joined us in Worthing for the start of the twelfth edition of the South Downs Way 50, which has been and will no doubt always be one of our most popular events and has recently benefitted from some glorious spring weather. This year was to see a continuation of that theme.

Temperatures were close to ideal to kick things off, but some early morning mist took some time to clear which it did thanks to a strong south westerly breeze mostly assisting runners all the way to Eastbourne.

The front of the womens race was close and competitive from the outset, with Michelle Attridge immediately seizing control from the front, followed hotly by Helen Moss and Ally Whitlock - with just three minutes separating them at check point one. The positions remained the same throughout the race and the gaps hardly changed at all making it exciting viewing for all of us out on course and for those dot watching from home. Michelle won in 7:50:51, Helen closed really hard over the final section taking three minutes out of Michelle between Jevington and the Finish but ulimately just falling short of the win, in 7:53 and Ally Whitlock coming home for third and a huge PB - in 8:03. 

Michelle Attridge

The mens race shaped up very differently with a pack of three guys leading the way early on. Centurion Ultra Team runner Dan Lawson and La Sportiva's Kim Collison separated themselves and ran together at a rapid rate early on and gapped the field. Alistair Courtney who was third at Hundred Hills 50km last month shadowed them in the same position here. On the way to Saddlescombe Farm CP2 on what is truly Dan's home turf he pushed ahead and held a two minute gap over Kim. He then led through Housedean and the marathon mark, Southease and down into Alfriston at Mile 41 where Alistair who had long since passed Kim, finally caught up to him. The two forged on over from Alfriston and when it seemed Alistair would get ahead, the opposite happened as Dan made a break for it depsite cramping on the hills. When the two hit the road in Eastbourne with 2 miles to go, Alistair was able to find that little something extra to forge past the old master and cross the line first in 6:27, Dan finishing in second just over a minute back with the two close enough to share the track together at the end. Guy Hudson ran a superb race and improved on his PB to pick up third in 6:35, edging out Kim into fourth. 

Alistair Courtney

The Age Categories, awards went to the following:

FV40 to Ally Whitlock in 8:03, also third overall. FV50 to Samantha Ridley in 9:22 and FV60 to Jackie Turner in 10:22, a course record by 18 minutes and a stunning time for an FV60 50 miler. 

MV40 went to Guy Hudson also third overall. MV50 to Dan Lawson, also second overall and who took the course record down by nearly 40 minutes! MV60 went to David Prince-Iles in 8:49, what is remarkable there is that David turns 70 in a few weeks time, so expect some new age group records if he carries on racing! MV70 went to Ken Fancett as usual in 9:53. Aged 75 Ken continues to finish well inside the top half of the field.

With 10 minutes left until the cut off, a number of runners were still out on course, and we were desperaetly willing them all home. Iain Ross became our 401st and final finisher in 12:56:54, with Ben Love last man out on course unfortunately missing the cut by just a few minutes. He showed tremendous grit and we hope he returns next year. 401 finishers is a record for us and we are so happy that so many were able to share a wonderful day with us.

Massive thanks as always to our team of volunteers without whom none of this would be possible.


The 2024 season opened with a bang this past Saturday 16th March as over 400 runners set off on a bright and sunny morning on their 50km adventure around the Chilterns. Stonor Park was once again our start, middle check point and finish - with the two loop course taking runners out through the village check points at Ibstone and Skirmett on Loop One and then Hambleden and Bix on Loop Two. The course is set up for first timers and experienced racers alike. 

2024 marked the second edition of our Hundred Hills 50km and it was wonderful to see such a cross section of runners out on course. Lots of people were out there running their first ever ultra and the nerves were palapable. But they were joined by a large number of Centurion regulars out there getting a longer run in before their spring 50 and 100 milers, or just testing themselves against the distance. At the sharp end we had runners capable of lowering already stout course records from Year 1 - Daniel Weller's 4:05 and Amy Jo-Clarke's 4:46 - which, it should be added were set on a day when the rain fell for the entirity, turning the course into a bit of a mud bath!

This year however, things were drier out on course - there were the typically muddy cross country style bridleway sections but there was a lot of good dry trail in there too and it was a glorious sunny morning for all of our runners.

In the womens race, past Chiltern Wonderland 50 champion Sophie Biggs looked like the most experienced and consistent performer on the line, but she was up against sub 3 hour marathoner Anna Klucnika, who may only have had one ultra under her belt before this, but in that race she'd not only won but beaten all of the guys too. 

Anna Klucnika

It was in fact Anna who went off in the lead and she was to hold that position all day, steadily building her margin from start to end. She ran through half way in 2:05, with Hannah Shutt in 2:15 in second and Sophie in third in 2:17. 

Anna held a strong pace through the slightly longer second half and ran home in a new course record time of 4:32, 14 minutes under the previous best. Sophie used all of her experience and came home second, a big improvement over her 2023 run here in a time of 4:56. Third place went to Rachel Lindley who closed brilliantly to finish in five hours flat. 

Sophie Biggs

Rachel Lindley

The mens race was a very different affair with a lead pack heading off together at a blistering pace. Within the group out front were Robbie Britton and Mark Darbyshire from our Ultra Team - both serial winners over countless events, Kallum Pritchard, Thomas Wright and Hugo Hewitt. 

Through check point one and the 10km mark, Robbie had a small lead of just over a minute. Back through to half way at Stonor Mile 15, that lead had stretched to five, but with the rest of the pack were still together in the hunt and with the exception of Hugo Hewitt, didn't pause for a second to take anything from the check point. 

Out on to loop two, Robbie maintained his lead through the Hambleden check point, but on the gradual road descent to the final CP at Bix, irretrievable stomach issues hit and he was passed by Mark Darbyshire who had moved into second by himself and was now charging hard. Whilst he admitted to looking over his shoulder a lot in the closing section, Mark held on to win in a new Course Record of 3:57. Whilst Mark has been clearing up course records at long standing classic 100 milers like Lakeland 100, NDW100 and the Arc of Attrition, he hasn't raced these shorter distances against deeper competition as much. To see him perform to this level at event which, one could argue, is not completely in his wheel house really exemplifies what an incredible athlete he is.

Mark Darbyshire

The other guys rounding out the podium ran superbly paced races and closed well to move up over the second half. Kallum Pritchard took second in 4:03, also under the old record and third place went to Alistair Courtney in 4:10.

Kallum Pritchard

In the age categories we handed out our new awards for the first time, these will be a feature at all of our events going forward. We have always rewarded age cats and podium finishers with prize vouchers but these new mementos will we hope be treasured by those who earn them!

In the womens race, awards were as follows:

FV40 to Rachel Lindley, also third overall. FV50 to Sophie Biggs, also second overall. FV60 went to Eleanor Grant in 8:02. We had three FV60 finishers which was a superb tally, one we very rarely see and an example of what is possible!

Eleanor Grant won the FV60 Category

MV40 went to Mark Darbyshire who won the mens race. MV50 went to Jason Leaf who finished in 4:30 and MV60 to Doug Cackett in 5:25.

385 runners crossed the line which is a new record for us in terms of total finishers at an event. Long may it continue.

A huge thanks to the team of 60 volunteers who made it all possible. From course markers and sweepers, check point teams, registration, parking and finish line crews literally none of this would be possible without you all. 

Next up is the South Downs Way 50 on April 13th and we look forward to welcoming a similar field size there. 


The fourth edition of our annual One Slam virtual event took an earlier start date than usual and kicked off on Christmas Day to allow most people to get off to a good start over the holiday period. 

The challenges were the same as in 2023. Runners/ Walkers (and scooters for the kids division!) had ten weeks to achieve their goal distance which ranged from 50 miles up to 1000 miles. 

Most use this as pre-season training and an added level of motivation to get out and move during the colder, darker and in the case of this year, very much wetter months! It is truly fantastic to see the positive impact this has on so many peoples winters and the rest of their year of racing and training off of the back of the added consistency. The coaching webinars put on by our team, led by Robbie Britton in every case, were widely attended and offered many a chance to learn and reflect and of course therefore improve and further enjoy their running and training. 

473 runners across 19 countries took part in this challenge. From little ones taking on 50 miles on their bikes and scooters, to Aaron Robinson who finished his 1000 miles before the end of January, this event encourages people of all ages, abilities, locations and backgrounds to have a go at challenging themselves. It is become such a worthwhile enterprise each year.

On top of that, 10% of all proceeds will be sent to the charity MIND and 71 trees were planted through runners opting out of their awards in favour of trees not tees.

For 2025 we will be back, again starting on Christmas Day. The distances will be the same. However we will be including a One Up week with separate awards which will be free to enter for those looking to see what they can do in the hills! Further details will be available in the coming weeks.

Huge thanks to all who took part and of course to our sponsors and partners for the spot prizes along the way. Petzl, La Sportiva, Ultimate Direction and Injinji.

One Slam 2024: Photo c/o Brioni Izzard

One Slam 2024 Photo c/o Thuy Nga

One Slam 2024 Photo c/o Frank Leary 

One Slam 2024 Photo c/o Kyla and Keith Miller

One Slam 2024 Photo c/o Christina Lyon


One Slam 2024 Photo c/o Chris Goad

 One Slam 2024 Photo c/o Robbie Britton